The Coordinating Council of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Associations' statement on the earthquake that broke out in Turkey and Syria
Translated by Zhaleh Sahand

The Coordinating Council of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Associations (CCITTA) declares its deep and sincere solidarity and sympathy with all the people who have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
The Coordinating Council of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Associations (CCITTA) declares its deep and sincere solidarity and sympathy with all the people who have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
Our hearts deeply go out to all those who have lost loved ones.
The Coordinating Council of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Associations expresses its sympathy and solidarity with the teachers, students, their beloved families, and our colleagues in the teachers' trade unions in Turkey and Syria.
The news received from teachers' organizations and other trade organizations and labour unions in Turkey is unfortunately very alarming and shows how these apparently "natural" calamities turn into much wider outcries in the context of inadequacy and systematic discrimination and mismanagement of institutions and responsible authorities.
More than 8 thousand people have been killed and tens of thousands of people have been injured and made homeless, and there it is still a fear that the death toll will be increasing. Despite the dire situation, relief teams are non-existent or completely inadequate in many areas. In this situation where every minute plays a vital role, first aid, basic needs, food, sanitary materials, heating, etc. are very necessary. All teacher, student, union, and public organizations are trying hard to help the victims of this disaster in any way possible; but it should be clear to everyone that the government and the governments and authorities at different levels are directly responsible for people's lives and protecting their lives and properties.
An injury to one is an injury to all of us
The Coordinating Council of the Iranian Teachers' Trade Associations (CCITTA)
February 8, 2023