Statement: The Bombing of the Hospital In Gaza and the Killing of Civilians are Condemned!

English translation of the statement by the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company:
By Zhaleh Sahand
The Bombing of the Hospital In Gaza and the Killing of Civilians are Condemned!
The destructive war in Gaza left a terrible tragedy last Tuesday. Although due to disputations, the details of the explosion in Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza are not determined yet, the current catastrophic situation in Gaza and the killing of the innocent people, and the bombing of the hospitals and civilian areas are inexcusable and condemnable from any side.
Hundreds of people, including patients, children, nurses, doctors, and the other workers and volunteers working in the hospital have lost their lives in this explosion.
The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, in unison with the other labour unions in the world, strongly condemns these crimes, and conveys its condolences to the survivors of this massacre.
The Palestinian people have always been the perpetual victims of the political conflicts and clashes between the global and the regional powers. But we, as the independent labour organizations in Iran, in which have always been internationally supported by the workers of the other countries, find it our duty to defend the workers and the oppressed people all over the world. It is unfortunate that due to the feeling of antipathy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as Hamas, some people (in our country) have been turning a blind eye to more than 70 years of the oppression of the Palestinian people and some have even supported the (Israeli) military operations against the Palestinian people and even a military attack on Iran.
Our union has been repressed, surveilled, and persecuted by the intelligence and security forces, the judiciary, the Ministry of Labour, the Islamic Labour Council, security forces, and the employer's agents on a daily basis since its establishment. This government has treated us, the workers of this country, as enemies. However, no matter how outraged we are with all the oppressions and the injustices by the ruling establishment in our country, it should not make us feel irresponsible or inappropriate towards an unsolved and fundamental oppression in the Middle East, which has been one of the causes of the constant tensions in the region. Before the Islamic Republic of Iran came into power and before the establishment of Hamas, the issue of Palestine had already been an all-out and tragic conflict in the region, and it will remain unsolved until it is determined justly through transparent traditions and with no massacres.
We, as many other trade unions of the world, demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to the war and the siege of Gaza. We call on all the workers and the toilers of the country not to pay heed to the warlike opinions and propaganda from any sides to racism, anti-Arabism, anti-Semitism, anti-Afghanism, and any other ideas and activities that seek to create enmity among the people in the region instead of creating unity and empathy. We workers do not trust any governments in the world, because we know that they all have the capacity to easily trade on the lives and fate of the deprived people of the world. We have an urgent need for solidarity, healthy, and inclusive discourse among the people in our country, and among the workers and oppressed people in the region, and the world.
In the hope of establishing justice in Iran, in the Middle East, and the whole world.
Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company
October 19, 2023
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